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Dec 31, 2012

14 December

Barcode co-inventor Norman Joseph Woodland died
Norman Joseph Woodland, who co-created the barcode, was died on 9 December 2012 in New Jersey at the age of 91.

Twin NASA spacecraft prepare to crash into moon
Twin lunar-orbiting NASA spacecraft that have allowed scientists to learn more about the internal structure and composition of the moon are being prepared for their controlled descent and impact on a mountain near the moon’s north pole at about 2:28 p.m. PST (5:28 p.m. EST) Monday, Dec. 17.

Mumbai among world’s ‘dirtiest’ cities: TripAdvisor survey
India’s commercial capital, Mumbai, was named among the world’s ‘dirtiest’ cities, ranking last in the “cleanest streets” category, a global survey of 40 key tourist cities has found.According to TripAdvisor’s Cities Survey, Tokyo grabbed the first place while Mumbai ranked last in the list of “cleanest streets”. Similarly in the category of “ease of getting around”, Mumbai ranked at the last position while Zurich stood at first place.

IOC retains top slot in Fortune 500 India list
Government owned Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) is ranked as the largest company in terms of revenue, the Fortune 500 list of Indian companies for 2012 . In this list Indian Oil Corporation got the first place with a full-year revenue of Rs 4,202 billion, Reliance Industries Limited got the second place with a full-year revenue of Rs 3,675 billion and Bharat Petroleum Corporation got the third place with a full -year revenue of Rs 2,148 billion

New Visa Agreement between India and Pakistan
Shri Sushilkumar Shinde, Home Minister of India and Mr. A. Rehman Malik, Pakistan Interior Minister jointly operationalized the new Visa Agreement between India and Pakistan on 14th December, 2012 at New Delhi. However, the Visa-on-Arrival will come into effect from 15th January, 2013 and the Group Tourist Visa from 15th March, 2013. Main features of the India-Pakistan new Visa Agreement are as follows : Visitor Visa
• Places of visit allowable increased from three to five places
• In exceptional cases visitor visa for one year could be issued in the past. Now provision made for issue of visa upto two years in following cases:
a.Persons above 65 years of age
b.National of one country married to national of the other country.
c. Children below 12 years accompanying parents in (b) above
Visa on Arrival can be granted at Attari/Wagah check-post to persons more than 65 years of age for 45 days with single entry (effective from 15th January, 2013).
Business Visa
Exemption from Police Reporting for Business visa granted to businessmen with an annual income above Pak Rs. 5 million or equivalent or annual turnover above Pak Rs. 30 million or equivalent.
Group Tourist Visa
• Group Tourist Visa for 30 days may be issued for travel in groups, with not less than 10 members and not more than 50 members in each group, organized by approved tour operators/travel agents (effective from 15thMarch, 2013).

World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12)
The First ever World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) from 3 -14 December held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.The conference reviewed the current International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs).The 193 member states of the ambassadors are attended this conference.While 89 states have signed the UN International Telecommunications agreement and another 55 countries have refused the deal.The new agreement will come into effect in January 2015.The new agreement will give countries a right to access international telecommunications services and the ability to block spam, which delegations declining to sign the amended text argued would pave the way for government censorship and control over the internet.

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